The National Governing Body for Obstacle Course Racing
in the United States of America


How is the USAOCR run?

USAOCR is run by a volunteers made up of sport professionals, athletes, medical practitioners and event producers from across the United States. Committee members are nominated by members prior to election at annual general meetings.

Are USAOCR committee members paid?

As a nonprofit organization, all members are volunteers and are not paid. Members are entitled to be reimbursed for expenses, as long as they are pre-approved by the Board of Directors.

Who does USAOCR support?

USAOCR’s primary purpose is to support the members and the growth of the sport from the grass roots level through to elite athletes competing at international multisport competitions, world, and continental events.

What is USAOCR's long term plan?

Once financially stable, the Board will hire staff to run and administer the organization. USAOCR’s staff will be responsible for implementing the growth of the sport, including a National Series, National Championships, National Rankings, and qualification for the National Team.

What is a National Governing Body (NGB)?

A NGB is the governing body for a specific sport. Most sports, whether they have a professional division or operate at an amateur level, only are represented by not-for-profit NGBs in the United States, (e.g. Baseball, Softball, Basketball, Triathlon, Track & Field, Swimming, Gymnastics, Speed Skating, and Alpine Skiing).

What does a NGB do?

Recognized NGBs support the development of their sport in the United States which includes athlete, coaching, official development, and events.

Is USAOCR affiliated with race brands in the United States?

USAOCR treats all race brands equally, with a goal to support all parties of interest in OCR. Although some committee members are affiliated with one or more OCR brands, USAOCR is a not-for-profit organization and has not accepted funding from any race organizations.

Will USAOCR stifle innovation?

No. USAOCR's goal is to encourage the growth, diversity and innovation in OCR.  While USAOCR will develop obstacle guidelines and safety / medical standards for various events, these guidelines will not hinder race organizations innovating obstacles or formats, or require them to include restrictive race rules.

Will the USAOCR force race brands to adhere to strict guidelines?

No. It is our goal that race directors from across the United States will adhere to a standard set of safety & medical guidelines that benefit all athletes. When it comes to obstacles and race formats though, the race organizations will continue to operate and innovate new obstacles and race formats as they do today.

There are guidelines in place for regional, national and international championships, part of a long-term strategy for OCR to achieve medal events at international events.

Is USAOCR affiliated with any international organizations?

Yes. USAOCR is a member of World Obstacle, a Swiss-based nonprofit composed of national member federations worldwide.

What will the sport look like in the future?

USAOCR is working to ensure that OCR continues to include the things we love about the sport. This is an innovative sport inclusive of all abilities and ages with a thriving community. USAOCR has training programs for coach and officials development following the international structure provided by World Obstacle. More information on Coaching and Officials Development programs is available on the World OCR website.

How can USAOCR help me?

As a member-based nonprofit, USAOCR exists to represent the needs of the athletes. Please sign up to become a member and recommend USAOCR membership to your friends. You can get further involved by joining a committee and help shape the sport.

USA Obstacle Course Racing is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Colorado, USA

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